MySQL 5.6 数据库归档测试

2018-08-10 大宝





[root@sh_02 install]# curl -O ""
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 7979k 100 7979k 0 0 251k 0 0:00:31 0:00:31 --:--:-- 357k
[root@sh_02 install]# tar -xf percona-toolkit-3.0.11_x86_64.tar.gz
[root@sh_02 install]# cd percona-toolkit-3.0.11
[root@sh_02 percona-toolkit-3.0.11]# ll
total 120
drwxrwxr-x. 2 500 500 4096 Jul 6 23:14 bin
-rw-rw-r--. 1 500 500 50938 Jul 6 23:14 Changelog
-rw-rw-r--. 1 500 500 7142 Jul 6 23:14
-rw-rw-r--. 1 500 500 224 Jul 6 23:14
-rw-rw-r--. 1 500 500 18092 Jul 6 23:14 COPYING
-rw-rw-r--. 1 500 500 129 Jul 6 23:14 docker-compose.yml
drwxrwxr-x. 2 500 500 33 Jul 6 23:14 docs
-rw-rw-r--. 1 500 500 4800 Jul 6 23:14 Gopkg.lock
-rw-rw-r--. 1 500 500 1477 Jul 6 23:14 Gopkg.toml
-rw-rw-r--. 1 500 500 1527 Jul 6 23:14 INSTALL
drwxrwxr-x. 2 500 500 6 Jul 6 23:14 lib
-rw-rw-r--. 1 500 500 568 Jul 6 23:14 Makefile.PL
-rw-rw-r--. 1 500 500 809 Jul 6 23:14 MANIFEST
-rw-rw-r--. 1 500 500 1692 Jul 6 23:14
[root@sh_02 install]# mv percona-toolkit-3.0.11 ../
[root@sh_02 install]# echo "export PATH=\$PATH:/alidata/percona-toolkit-3.0.11/bin" >> /etc/profile
[root@sh_02 install]# yum install -y perl perl-devel perl-Time-HiRes perl-DBI perl-DBD-MySQL perl-Digest-MD5
[root@sh_02 install]# yum install cmake gcc gcc-c++ libaio libaio-devel automake autoconf bzr bison libtool ncurses5-devel


[root@sh_02 alidata]# tree /alidata/percona-toolkit-3.0.11/
├── bin
│   ├── pt-align
│   ├── pt-archiver
│   ├── pt-config-diff
│   ├── pt-deadlock-logger
│   ├── pt-diskstats
│   ├── pt-duplicate-key-checker
│   ├── pt-fifo-split
│   ├── pt-find
│   ├── pt-fingerprint
│   ├── pt-fk-error-logger
│   ├── pt-heartbeat
│   ├── pt-index-usage
│   ├── pt-ioprofile
│   ├── pt-kill
│   ├── pt-mext
│   ├── pt-mongodb-query-digest
│   ├── pt-mongodb-summary
│   ├── pt-mysql-summary
│   ├── pt-online-schema-change
│   ├── pt-pmp
│   ├── pt-query-digest
│   ├── pt-secure-collect
│   ├── pt-show-grants
│   ├── pt-sift
│   ├── pt-slave-delay
│   ├── pt-slave-find
│   ├── pt-slave-restart
│   ├── pt-stalk
│   ├── pt-summary
│   ├── pt-table-checksum
│   ├── pt-table-sync
│   ├── pt-table-usage
│   ├── pt-upgrade
│   ├── pt-variable-advisor
│   └── pt-visual-explain
├── Changelog
├── docker-compose.yml
├── docs
│   └── percona-toolkit.pod
├── Gopkg.lock
├── Gopkg.toml
├── lib
├── Makefile.PL

3 directories, 47 files


# 测试数据库中建两张表,test和test_p ,他们之间的关系是test.user_id=test_p.user_id
root@SH_MySQL-01 15:19: [uplooking]> use dba;
Database changed
root@SH_MySQL-01 15:22: [dba]> show tables;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

root@SH_MySQL-01 15:22: [dba]> create table test(
-> userid int(4) primary key not null auto_increment,
-> username varchar(50) not null,
-> userpassword varchar(32) not null,
-> nowtime datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
-> );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.04 sec)

root@SH_MySQL-01 15:22: [dba]> insert into test values (null,'er','eesss',now());
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

root@SH_MySQL-01 15:22: [dba]> insert into test values (null,'er','sss',now());
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

root@SH_MySQL-01 15:22: [dba]> insert into test values (null,'aer','sss',now());
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

root@SH_MySQL-01 15:22: [dba]> select * from test;
| userid | username | userpassword | nowtime |
| 1 | er | eesss | 2018-08-10 15:22:31 |
| 2 | er | sss | 2018-08-10 15:22:37 |
| 3 | aer | sss | 2018-08-10 15:22:43 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

root@SH_MySQL-01 15:22: [dba]> insert into test values (null,'superman','sss',now());
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

root@SH_MySQL-01 15:23: [dba]> insert into test values (null,'batman','sss',now());
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

root@SH_MySQL-01 15:23: [dba]> insert into test values (null,'supergirl','sss',now());
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

root@SH_MySQL-01 15:23: [dba]> select * from test;
| userid | username | userpassword | nowtime |
| 1 | er | eesss | 2018-08-10 15:22:31 |
| 2 | er | sss | 2018-08-10 15:22:37 |
| 3 | aer | sss | 2018-08-10 15:22:43 |
| 4 | superman | sss | 2018-08-10 15:23:06 |
| 5 | batman | sss | 2018-08-10 15:23:12 |
| 6 | supergirl | sss | 2018-08-10 15:23:18 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

root@SH_MySQL-01 15:23: [dba]> create table test_p(
-> id int(4) primary key not null auto_increment,
-> userid int(4) not null,
-> username varchar(50) not null,
-> userpassword varchar(32) not null,
-> nowtime datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
-> );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.04 sec)

root@SH_MySQL-01 15:24: [dba]> insert into test_p values (null,'3','aer','ssss',now());
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

root@SH_MySQL-01 15:24: [dba]> insert into test_p values (null,'5','aer','ssss',now());
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

root@SH_MySQL-01 15:24: [dba]> select * from test_p;
| id | userid | username | userpassword | nowtime |
| 1 | 3 | aer | ssss | 2018-08-10 15:24:25 |
| 2 | 5 | aer | ssss | 2018-08-10 15:24:30 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

# test_1为将来存放归档数据的表,需要提前新建出来
root@SH_MySQL-01 15:24: [dba]> create table test_1(
-> userid int(4) primary key not null auto_increment,
-> username varchar(50) not null,
-> userpassword varchar(32) not null,
-> nowtime datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
-> );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)
# test_p_1 为将来存放归档数据的表,需要提前新建
root@SH_MySQL-01 15:46: [dba]> create table test_p_1(
-> id int(4) primary key not null auto_increment,
-> userid int(4) not null,
-> username varchar(50) not null,
-> userpassword varchar(32) not null,
-> nowtime datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
-> );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.04 sec)

  • 开始归档test表中的数据
  • nowtime<"2018-08-10 15:22:43"的数据归档,并删除
[root@sh_02 alidata]# pt-archiver --source h=,p=3306,u=php,p='uplooking',D=dba,t=test --dest h=,p=3306,u=php,p=uplooking,D=dba,t=test_1 --no-check-charset --where 'nowtime<"2018-08-10 15:22:43"' --progress 10 --limit=10 --txn-size 10 --bulk-insert --bulk-delete --statistics --purge
2018-08-10T15:36:49 0 0
2018-08-10T15:36:49 0 2
Started at 2018-08-10T15:36:49, ended at 2018-08-10T15:36:49
Source: D=dba,h=,p=...,t=test,u=php
Dest: D=dba,h=,p=...,t=test_1,u=php
Action Count Time Pct
commit 2 0.0113 57.21
bulk_inserting 1 0.0008 3.92
select 2 0.0005 2.47
bulk_deleting 1 0.0003 1.76
print_bulkfile 2 0.0000 0.02
other 0 0.0069 34.61

# 查看归档前后的表数据情况
## 归档前的test
root@SH_MySQL-01 15:35: [dba]> select * from test;
| userid | username | userpassword | nowtime |
| 1 | er | eesss | 2018-08-10 15:22:31 |
| 2 | er | sss | 2018-08-10 15:22:37 |
| 3 | aer | sss | 2018-08-10 15:22:43 |
| 4 | superman | sss | 2018-08-10 15:23:06 |
| 5 | batman | sss | 2018-08-10 15:23:12 |
| 6 | supergirl | sss | 2018-08-10 15:23:18 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
## 归档后的test
root@SH_MySQL-01 15:35: [dba]> select * from test;
| userid | username | userpassword | nowtime |
| 3 | aer | sss | 2018-08-10 15:22:43 |
| 4 | superman | sss | 2018-08-10 15:23:06 |
| 5 | batman | sss | 2018-08-10 15:23:12 |
| 6 | supergirl | sss | 2018-08-10 15:23:18 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
## 归档表test1
root@SH_MySQL-01 15:45: [dba]> select * from test_1;
| userid | username | userpassword | nowtime |
| 1 | er | eesss | 2018-08-10 15:22:31 |
| 2 | er | sss | 2018-08-10 15:22:37 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  • 开始归档test_p表中的数据
  • user_id<=5的数据归档,并删除
    --where 'userid<=5'
[root@sh_02 alidata]# pt-archiver --source h=,p=3306,u=php,p='uplooking',D=dba,t=test_p --dest h=,p=3306,u=php,p=uplooking,D=dba,t=test_p_1 --no-check-charset --where 'userid<=5' --progress 10 --limit=10 --txn-size 10 --bulk-insert --bulk-delete --statistics --purge
2018-08-10T15:52:30 0 0
2018-08-10T15:52:30 0 1
Started at 2018-08-10T15:52:30, ended at 2018-08-10T15:52:30
Source: D=dba,h=,p=...,t=test_p,u=php
Dest: D=dba,h=,p=...,t=test_p_1,u=php
Action Count Time Pct
commit 2 0.0060 41.84
bulk_inserting 1 0.0008 5.91
select 2 0.0007 4.98
bulk_deleting 1 0.0003 1.88
print_bulkfile 1 0.0000 0.08
other 0 0.0065 45.32

# test_p归档前
root@SH_MySQL-01 15:52: [dba]> select * from test_p;
| id | userid | username | userpassword | nowtime |
| 1 | 3 | aer | ssss | 2018-08-10 15:24:25 |
| 2 | 5 | aer | ssss | 2018-08-10 15:24:30 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
# test_p归档后
root@SH_MySQL-01 15:52: [dba]> select * from test_p;
| id | userid | username | userpassword | nowtime |
| 2 | 5 | aer | ssss | 2018-08-10 15:24:30 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
# test_p_1归档表中的数据
root@SH_MySQL-01 15:52: [dba]> select * from test_p_1;
| id | userid | username | userpassword | nowtime |
| 1 | 3 | aer | ssss | 2018-08-10 15:24:25 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
# 可以看到<=符号没有将=的数据过滤出来。



[root@sh_02 bin]# vim pt-archiver

6401 $first_sql .= " AND ($col < " . $q->quote_val($val) . ")";
6401 $first_sql .= " AND ($col <= " . $q->quote_val($val) . ")";


root@SH_MySQL-01 15:52:  [dba]> insert into test_p values (null,'3','aer','ssss',now());
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

root@SH_MySQL-01 16:01: [dba]> insert into test_p values (null,'3','aer','ssss',now());
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

root@SH_MySQL-01 16:01: [dba]> insert into test_p values (null,'3','aer','ssss',now());
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

root@SH_MySQL-01 16:01: [dba]> insert into test_p values (null,'3','aer','ssss',now());
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

root@SH_MySQL-01 16:01: [dba]> select * from test_p;
| id | userid | username | userpassword | nowtime |
| 2 | 5 | aer | ssss | 2018-08-10 15:24:30 |
| 3 | 3 | aer | ssss | 2018-08-10 16:01:50 |
| 4 | 3 | aer | ssss | 2018-08-10 16:01:50 |
| 5 | 3 | aer | ssss | 2018-08-10 16:01:51 |
| 6 | 3 | aer | ssss | 2018-08-10 16:01:52 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

[root@sh_02 bin]# pt-archiver --source h=,p=3306,u=php,p='uplooking',D=dba,t=test_p --dest h=,p=3306,u=php,p=uplooking,D=dba,t=test_p_1 --no-check-charset --where 'userid<=5' --progress 10 --limit=10 --txn-size 10 --bulk-insert --bulk-delete --statistics --purge
2018-08-10T16:02:28 0 0
2018-08-10T16:02:28 0 5
Started at 2018-08-10T16:02:28, ended at 2018-08-10T16:02:28
Source: D=dba,h=,p=...,t=test_p,u=php
Dest: D=dba,h=,p=...,t=test_p_1,u=php
Action Count Time Pct
commit 2 0.0113 56.44
bulk_inserting 1 0.0007 3.59
select 2 0.0007 3.38
bulk_deleting 1 0.0003 1.75
print_bulkfile 5 -0.0000 -0.03
other 0 0.0070 34.87
root@SH_MySQL-01 16:01: [dba]> select * from test_p;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

root@SH_MySQL-01 16:02: [dba]> select * from test_p_1;
| id | userid | username | userpassword | nowtime |
| 1 | 3 | aer | ssss | 2018-08-10 15:24:25 |
| 2 | 5 | aer | ssss | 2018-08-10 15:24:30 |
| 3 | 3 | aer | ssss | 2018-08-10 16:01:50 |
| 4 | 3 | aer | ssss | 2018-08-10 16:01:50 |
| 5 | 3 | aer | ssss | 2018-08-10 16:01:51 |
| 6 | 3 | aer | ssss | 2018-08-10 16:01:52 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
# 测试成功