~~~~~~~~模拟pga无法分配造成ORA-04030异常~~~~~~~~~~ conn / as sysdba 定义对象类型 CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE pga_type AS OBJECT (id NUMBER, name char(2000) ); / 定义表类型 create or replace type t_pga_table as table of pga_type; / 向表类型变量持续填充数据 create or replace procedure proc_test_pga as v_pga t_pga_table := t_pga_table(); begin loop v_pga.extend(); v_pga(v_pga.count) := pga_type(1, 'pga_test'); --dbms_output.put_line(v_pga(v_pga.count).name); end loop; end; /
获得当前sys用户的sid select sid from v$mystat where rownum=1; sid ---- 159
SQL>exec proc_test_pga;
ERROR at line 1: ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate 16396 bytes (koh-kghu call ,pl/sql vc2)
select * from v$process_memory where pid= (select pid from v$process where addr= (select paddr from v$session where sid=159));
PID SERIAL ----- ---------- --------------- ---------- ---------- ------------- 15 2 SQL 164240 123016 562608 15 2 PL/SQL 26312 21156 258324 15 2 Freeable 131072 0 15 2 Other 1185704 4294005349