Practices for Lesson 20: Using Database Resource Manager
2020.01.29 BoobooWei
Practices for Lesson 20: Overview
You received complaints that certain batch jobs are using too many system resources and that a specific user is known to start data warehouse processes during regular business hours. You decide to use the Database Resource Manager for better system-resource utilization and control.
Your first effort to balance the situation includes creating an APPUSER consumer group and assigning it to the default DEFAULT_PLAN resource plan. You then map a couple of Oracle users and your major OS user to resource groups. Activate the resource plan and test your assignments. Regularly click Show SQL to review all statements that are new to you.
要平衡这种情况,首先要创建一个APPUSER使用者组,并将其分配给默认的DEFAULT_PLAN资源计划。然后将几个Oracle用户和主要OS用户映射到资源组。激活资源计划并测试你的任务。定期单击Show SQL查看所有新出现的语句。
Practice 20-1: Managing Resources
In this practice you use Enterprise Manager Cloud Control and SQL*Plus to configure a resource plan with consumer groups to balance the resource usage among different users and applications.
Users SH, OE, and PM are unlocked and the password for each is set to oracle_4U.
In this practice, you create an APPUSER consumer group and assign it to the default DEFAULT_PLAN resource plan. Then you map a few Oracle users and your major OS user to resource groups. Activate the resource plan and test your assignments.
Log in as the DBA1 user (with oracle_4U password, connect as SYSDBA) and perform the necessary tasks through Enterprise Manager Cloud Control or through SQL*Plus. All scripts for this practice are in the $LABS/P20 directory.
Whenever you open a new terminal window, execute the oraenv script to set environment variables for the orcl database.
Using Cloud Control, create a resource group called APPUSER. At this point, do not add users to the group.
| Step | Window/Page Description | Choices or Values |
| ———— | ———————————————————————— | —————————————————————————————— |
| a. | Cloud Control orcl Database home | Click Administration > Resource Manager |
| b. | Database Login | Select Credential Preferred. Select Preferred Credential Name: SYSDBA Database Credentials Click Login. |
| c. | Getting Started with Database Resource Manager | Click Consumer Groups. |
| d. | Consumer Groups | Click Create. |
| e. | Create Resource Consumer Group | Enter Consumer Group: APPUSER Verify Scheduling Policy: Round Robin Click Show SQL. |
| f. | Show SQL | Click Return. |
| g. | Create Resource Consumer Group | Click OK. |Question 1: What does the ROUND-ROBIN parameter value mean?
Possible Answer: ROUND-ROBIN indicates that CPU resources are fairly allocated to the PPUSER consumer group, according to the active resource plan directives.
Create a new plan called NEW_DEFAULT_PLAN that uses the DEFAULT_PLAN as a template. Use the Create Like action. Add the APPUSER and LOW_GROUP consumer groups to the DEFAULT_PLAN resource plan. Change the level 3 CPU resource allocation percentages: 60 percent for the APPUSER consumer group and 40 percent for the LOW_GROUP consumer group.
Step | Window/Page Description | Choices or Values |
a. | Consumer Groups | Click Administration > Resource Manager. |
b. | Getting Started with Database Resource Manager | Click Plans. |
c. | Resource Plans | Select Default Plan. Select Action Create Like. Click Go. |
d. | Create Resource Plan | Enter Plan: NEW_DEFAULT_PLAN |
e. | Create Resource Plan | In Resource Allocations section, click Add/Remove. |
f. | Select Groups/Subplans | Select APPUSER. Click Move from Available Groups/Subplans. |
Step | Window/Page Description | Choices or Values |
pane to Resource Allocations pane. Select LOW_GROUP. Click Move. Click OK. | ||
g. | Create Resource Plan | In Resource Allocations section: For APPUSER, set Shares equal to 40. For LOW_GROUP, set Shares equal to 20. For SYS_GROUP, set Shares equal to 30. Click Show SQL. |
h. | Show SQL | Review the PL/SQL code. Click Return. |
i. | Create Resource Plan | Click OK. |
There are two ways to assign users to consumer groups: The user can be assigned to one or more groups explicitly and an initial group defined, or the user can be mapped into an initial group based on one or more of the rules in the Consumer Group Mappings. Configure Consumer Group Mappings so that the HR Oracle user belongs to the APPUSER consumer group and the SCOTT user to the LOW_GROUP consumer group. For the SCOTT user, confirm that his ORACLE_USER attribute has a higher priority than the CLIENT_OS_USER attribute.
a. Log in to SQL*Plus as the DBA1 user.
b. Execute the $LABS/P20/assign_hr_appuser.sql script to assign the HR user to the APPUSER consumer group.
c. Execute the $LABS/P20/assign_scott_lowgroup.sql script to assign the SCOTT user to the LOW_GROUP consumer group.
Return to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control to verify the additions you made in step 3.
a. Click Administration > Resource Manager.
b. Click Consumer Group Mappings. c. HR and SCOTT now appear in the list.
Assign the PM Oracle user to the following consumer groups: APPUSER, LOW_GROUP, and
SYS_GROUP without using the Consumer Group Mappings.
Step | Window/Page Description | Choices or Values |
a. | Consumer Group Mappings | Click Security > Users. |
b. | Users | Enter PM in the Search box. Click Go. |
c. | Users | Select PM user. Click Edit. |
d. | Edit User: PM | Click Consumer Group Privileges tab. If you see an error regarding the password for the PM user, enter oracle_4U in both the password fields. |
e. | Edit User: PM : Consumer Group Privileges tab | Click Edit List. |
f. | Modify Consumer Groups | Move APPUSER to Selected Consumer Groups. Move LOW_GROUP to Selected Consumer Groups. |
Step | Window/Page Description | Choices or Values |
Move SYS_GROUP to Selected Consumer Groups. Click OK. | ||
g. | Edit User: PM | Set Default Consumer Group to APPUSER. Click Show SQL. |
h. | Show SQL | Note: The PM user is granted the privilege of switching to any of the three groups, but the initial group is set to APPUSER. Click Return. |
i. | Edit User: PM | Click Apply. |
- Activate the NEW_DEFAULT_PLAN resource plan.
Step | Window/Page Description | Choices or Values |
a. | Edit User: PM | Click Administration > Resource Manager |
b. | Getting Started with Database Resource Manager | Click Plans. |
c. | Resource Plans | Select NEW_DEFAULT_PLAN. Select Activate in the Actions menu. Click GO. |
d. | Confirmation | Click Yes. |
e. | Resource Plans | You should see a success message. NEW_DEFAULT_PLAN has status of ACTIVE. |
Test the consumer group mappings. Start two SQL*Plus sessions: the first with the system/oracle_4U@orcl connect string and the second with the scott/tiger@orcl connect string.
a. As the oracle user in a terminal window, execute the oraenv script to set environment variables for the orcl database.
b. To start a SQL*Plus session with the system/oracle_4U@orcl connect string and to set your SQL prompt to “FIRST,” enter:
c. As the oracle user in a second terminal window, execute the oraenv script to set environment variables for the orcl database.
d. To start a SQL*Plus session with the scott/tiger@orcl connect string and to set your SQL prompt to “SECOND,” enter:
e. In your FIRST SQL*Plus session, enter:
column username format A12
column resource_consumer_group format A24
SELECT username, resource_consumer_group, count(username) FROM v$session
WHERE username IS not null
AND program IS not null
GROUP BY username, resource_consumer_group;Note: This statement is available in the /solns/sol_qry_vsession.sql file.
Question: To which consumer group does the SCOTT user belong?
Answer: SCOTT is in the LOW_GROUP consumer group.
Note: Your output for this step (and the following steps) may not look exactly like the output shown. The information of concern here is for the specific users being mentioned.
f. In the SECOND terminal window, connect as the PM user with the oracle_4U password:
g. In your FIRST SQL*Plus session, enter “/” to execute the previous SQL statement again.
h. In the SECOND terminal window, connect as the OE user with the oracle_4U password:
i. In your FIRST SQL*Plus session, enter “/” to execute the previous SQL statement again.
j. Exit both the SQL*Plus sessions.
Question: When testing your OE Oracle user, you notice that OE is in the
OTHER_GROUPS consumer group. Why is that?
Possible Answer: The OE user is not explicitly assigned to another consumer resource group.
Revert to your original configuration by deactivating the NEW_DEFAULT_PLAN resource group, undoing all consumer group mappings, and finally by deleting the APPUSER resource group.
Step | Window/Page Description | Choices or Values |
a. | Click Administration > Resource Manager | |
b. | Getting Started with Database Resource Manager | Click Plans. |
c. | Resource Plans | Select INTERNAL_PLAN. Select Activate in the Actions menu. Click GO. |
d. | Confirmation | Click Yes. |
e. | Resource Plans | You should see a success message INTERNAL_PLAN has status of ACTIVE |
f. To reconfigure or undo all consumer group mappings, review and execute the script from the $LABS/P20 directory:
g. Log out of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control.